This site contains various photographic documents, 3D printing projects, and related information. Some of this has previously appeared under or
At the moment the site is divided into:
3D Printing with 3D printing projects, including cameras.
Cameras which encompasses various unusual or home-built equipment and some of my less common items.
Mamiya TLR My Mamiya TLR System Summary is under this top-level section Mamiya TLR for historical reasons (it started 27 years ago).
Darkroom has notes on developers, and darkroom equipment.
Projects is a catch-all area for items which don’t fall under any of the other headings, or are currently under (re)development. Items here may migrate over time.
Photos covers primarily photographic image items.
Pages are tagged with common themes, which acts as a basic index. You may also view the Tags directly.
Default ordering applies - Weight, Lastmod, Date.Most recently modified pages in Cameras:
- Laser cut pinhole in a large format mount (last edited on February 2, 2024)
- Replacing Film Holder Tape (last edited on January 1, 2024)
Most recently modified pages in 3D Printing:
- Experiences with Will Travel 3D Printed Cameras (last edited on February 2, 2024)
- QIDI X-Plus Notes and Hacks (last edited on February 2, 2024)
Most recently modified pages in Darkroom:
- Beseler Negaflat 5x4 (last edited on February 2, 2024)
- PC-512 Borax Developer (last edited on February 2, 2024)
Most recently modified pages in the Mamiya TLR System Summary: