
This is a list of darkroom projects and articles. Select a project to learn more about it.

A copy arm for the Durst M605 enlarger is in the 3D printing section. .

The Darkroom Project

My darkroom between 1999 and 2019.

PC-512 Borax Developer

A Phenidone/Ascorbic Acid developer.

Thornton Two Bath Developer

Notes and thoughts on using Thornton’s Two Bath developer.

The Darkroom Project 2

Converting a bedroom to a darkroom.

5x4 Development Tubes

Single 4x5 sheet daylight developing tubes.

Versalab 11x14 with 20x16 prints

Using an 11x14 Versalab print washer to wash two 16x20 prints at a time.


Notes on choosing and using balances for home photographic use.

Beseler Negaflat 5x4

The Negaflat ® carrier is an attempt at producing a glassless negative carrier that is not subject to negative sag or ‘popping’ due to temperature changes.