
Mare Island Photographs, Vallejo, California

These photographs were made on a group visit in 2004. Things have changed a lot in the past 20 years, and the locations for about half the images no longer exist. The building at 235 Railroad Ave is still there, as is the gantry.

The thumbnails below are not necessarily the full image. Select any one for a full frame slide show.

The following images were taken around 2021-22. Compare the 235 Railroad Ave and the gantry pictures. The original gantry picture was made just inside a fence, and required a wide angle lens. Now the space is opened up as part of the historic area.

For background on the history of the site, contact the Mare Island Historic Park Foundation.

Technical information:

2004 Wista 5x4", 135mm Schneider Symmar-S and 90mm Caltar HR lenses, Ilford Delta 100 film at E.I. 50, developed 8.5 minutes in FG-7 1+15, inversion agitation, except the tennis court picture: Ilford Delta 400 at E.I. 200, developed 9 minutes in FG-7 1+15, inversion agitation.

2022 Mamiya 6, 75mm, Ilford Delta 400 at E.I 200, developed in Thornton Two Bath, Jobo rotary processor.